FEEL SO BAD(フィール・ソー・バッド)は、倭国のロックバンド。
「FEEL SO BAD」 (2024/7/13 23:03) Wikipedia倭国語版より
:0% :0% (-/-)
FEEL SO BADに関するツイート数は前日に比べ400%増加しました。男女比は変わりませんでした。前日は「時代」に関する評判が話題でしたが、本日話題になっているキーワードは「ムジカ」です。
ムジカ ネタバレ SHE'S i love her My Baby
ムジカ ネタバレ SHE'S i love her My Baby
人気のツイート ※表示されているRT数は特定時点のものです
I feel for mutsumi down to my bones she's my baby I love her so much and I feel so bad for her but tbh...
I Also feel that saki absolutely has a right to downright resent her January 01, 2025
God I just feel so bad for Mutsumi... she's lived her whole life likened and compared to a doll, and when her mask, her protection from the outside world, is taken away, the dolls return to human form and she begins to crack under the pressure from all around her https://t.co/G5ZtNEUw3q January 01, 2025
I feel so bad for both of them they both love each other so much they clearly want to be there for each otherrr
but they've also fully dropped the ball and betrayed each other in some way at their most vulnerable moments.... January 01, 2025